Girardin Facts

Page Updated 14th May 2013

Andrew Girardin -
The Facts

Figure 1.

Figure 2.

Figure 3.

Figure 4.

Raw Data 1.

Figure 5.



  1. Cécile9:59 PM

    i have to stop believing everything you say, I believed you had a tattoo! In China, Were the dogs in the plates?
    ps: thanks for putting my blog on the things you like :-).

  2. Whitt881:34 AM

    What a team! If you two are not already bonkers, you will be soon. But I have to hand it to you both- with all the laughs, your home-life must be a riot. Congrats on getting the award, Andrew. I wouldn't risk saying I envy you, but you do sound like a very happy couple. Thanks for the fun we get out of reading your posts.

  3. Whitt, thanks for reading and I'm glad you're enjoying my blog! Sadly Cecile and I are no longer a couple. I had to break up with her because she put on a bit too much weight.

  4. Cécile10:16 PM

    Outrageous lies! I dumped Andrew when he demanded I got breasts implants. Besides, he was obsessed with threesomes and his XBox so it couldn't work between us. We work better together as friends I suppose.


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