Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Asterix in Corsica: Latin Jokes Explained

A bigger, better version of this article now appears on my new Asterix site - click the white link just above this article. The one that says 'Everything Asterix'.

I understand it's annoying to be directed here and have to go there, but I promise it's worth it.

The new site is extremely beautiful, by the way. It's probably going to win an award and be preserved by UNESCO.

The difference between this cramped, stuffy blog and that luxury site is the same as when you sell your one-bedroom flat in London and buy a six-bedroom villa anywhere else in the country. The furniture is better, the air is clearer, and you can stroll around your garden smelling flowers and sighing contentedly.



  1. Anonymous12:01 AM


  2. Anonymous7:06 PM

    Mo money mo problems?

    Is Magnus Insignisque Latin for Notorious B.I.G.?

  3. Anonymous5:24 PM

    Great blog, nice to finally get the jokes! I notice Asterix and the Vikings is not in your to do list ...

  4. Thanks!

    Asterix and the Vikings is the name of a movie, and was never a comic. Wikipedia tells me it's based on Asterix and the Normans and bits of others.

  5. When we get more of Latin jokes explianed? I love those articles...


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